Benefit Classes

Our Current Beneficiary Carry The future

The Why

Generous Wisdom | Spacious Heart, Wise Heart Practices, & Wise Heart Community are beautiful and effective ways of establishing personal health, wellness, and freedom physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. More than that, they provide the foundation and the pathway to a more peaceful, just, and loving world.

My personal health, wellness, and freedom is nothing without yours, and yours is nothing without mine. And so it is that we must move from an individual focus to a communal and collective focus. Through Yoga for Life Benefit Classes we seek to broaden our circle of empathy, compassion, tenderness, loving-kindness, and care to encompass all beings. This is when healing, growth, and freedom truly happen.

Yoga for Life

Yoga for Life Benefit Class is an easy-going all-levels donation-based class. We will engage in a mindful exploration of breathing and moving that will not only benefit our bodies, minds, and spirits, but will also benefit the members of our broader community through our donations.  Take your yoga practice off the mat and join in the giving!

Keep in mind, you do not need to donate to attend the class, nor do you need to attend the class in order to donate (just send me an email or search the specific organization on the web).

Please feel free to email questions by visiting the contact page.



Here’s a list of charities and non-profits we’ve supported.  Please follow the links to learn more about each organization and get involved.  If you have suggestions for future Yoga for Life Benefit Classes, please share your ideas here.

Supporting Our Local Community

Catholic Charities of Mansfield, Ohio

The New Store ~ Richland County Children’s Auxiliary, Mansfield, Ohio

Harmony House Homeless Services, Inc., Mansfield, Ohio

Area Nursing Homes via Resurrection Parish Caring Ministries ~ Lexington, Ohio

Snack Sack Ministry via United Methodist Church of the Cross, Lexington, Ohio

Richland Pregnancy Services of Mansfield, Ohio

The Domestic Violence Shelter of Mansfield, Ohio

Hospice of North Central Ohio via What Goes ‘Round Thrift Shoppe, Mansfield, Ohio

Mid-Ohio Guardianship Services, Inc., Mansfield Ohio

Landree Rennpage 03 Memorial Scholarship Fund via Mansfield’s St. Peter Parish and the  Msgr. Dunn Foundation

People Helping People of North Central Ohio

Supporting Our Global Community

Carry the Future ~ A Me2You grassroots organization directly impacting the lives of refugees worldwide.

SNAP Network ~ Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.  SNAP, a worldwide organization, works tirelessly to achieve two goals: to heal the wounded and to protect the vulnerable.

Manav Sadhna ~ Loving all and serving all, offering holistic education for underprivileged families, empowering children and women through love and compassion in India.